Cancel your order
We understand everyone could change his/her mind, so if you decide to cancel the order you placed, we are happy to assist you. If your order is not shipped yet (we usually ship orders within 24 hours for items in stock ), we will cancel your order and refund you full payment right away. If your order is already shipped, then there is no way to retrieve the package back from carriers. In such a case, you need to wait the item being delivered, accept it, and ship it back to us. If you are in US, please ship the package to our California office; otherwise, please ship it to our China office. Please email us to obtain the return shipping address.
To cancel you order, please send an email to order at (assuming you are a human, so you know that “at” means “@” in email address. This is to prevent robots harvest our email address and send spams to us). Please include your name and email address that you used to place order, so that we can locate your order.