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Author Topic: Cant download apps
Posts: 1
Post Cant download apps
on: October 5, 2013, 13:54

Hi there! Here are a few problems that are making my Ainol Hero 10 unuseful to me.

1. I've connected to Google play store but when I try to download any apps, after a very long wait time, I finally get an error message saying there is insufficient storage on the device. I've gone to settings and storage and there is plenty of room.

2. I've used this tablet for music at church and it randomly starts playing when it wants to. Very disruptful.

3. The tablet has completely froze up on me twice. It wouldnt do anything or turn off. I researched and found the reset button. That is the only way to unfreeze it. I cant depend on it.

4. When I power the tablet down, it losses all its settings. When I turn it back on it is back in Chinese, it doesn't have network password programed anymore and all disabled apps are enabled again.

I've stopped using this tablet all together. Its not useful to me at church or here at home unless I only want to search internet.


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