uPlay PhonePad works out of box for phone calls, but you need to set it up for your carrier's data network in order to use its 3G data network to access Internet. Usually the data network is preset by your carrier when they sell you Android phones. Since you get an unlocked phone tablet directly from us, you have to set it up yourself.
In general setting up data network for uPlay PhonePad is the same as setting up any Android phone. You just have to fill the APN settings.
1. Open "Settings" -> "Wireless & network settings"->"Mobile network settings". Make sure "Data enabled" is checked.
2. Click "GSM/UMTS Options", then "Access Point Names". Press "Menu" key (one of the keys at the bottom of uPlay PhonePad screen showing four squares) to bring up menu for this page. Then click "New APN".
3. Fill the APN settings for your carrier. We list APN settings for AT&T and T-Mobile in the following. If you have a different carrier, you can google "<your carrier's name> Android Phone APN" to search their settings, or call them to ask the right settings.
4. Click "menu" button to bring up menu, and click "Save" to save APN settings. Once you save it, you should see it in the APN profile list. If you don't see it in the APN list, it won't work. You may have multiple APS profile. You have to make sure you select the right one for your current SIM card.
AT&T (US) APN Settings
Name: AT&T
APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: leave blank
Port: leave blank
Server: leave blank
MMSC: http://mmsc.cingular.com
MMS Proxy: wireless.cingular.com
MMS Port: 80
APN Type: leave blank
T-Mobile (US) APN Settings
Name: T-Mobile
APN: epc.tmobile.com
Proxy: <Not set>
Port: <Not set>
Username: <Not set>
Password: <Not set>
Server: <Not set>
MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
MMS proxy: <Not set>
MMS port: <Not set>
MMS protocol: WAP 2.0
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
Authentication type: <Not set>
APN type: <Not Set> OR Internet+MMS (depending on software version)