Ainol NOVO 10 Captain tablet

Ainol just released another Captain pure English firmware upgrade (2013-11-22) version to fix the slowness and battery sign zero issue

Ainol’s first bunch of Captain has this battery sign zero issue, when makes the Captain tablet cannot be turned on after you shut it down. Ainol realized that and stopped the Captain production to fix the problem in the last couple months. Now they have released this Nov. 22 version[...]

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Ainol NOVO 10 Captain tablet

Ainol NOVO 10 Captain, NOVO 10 Hero II, and NOVO 7 Venus Firmware Upgrade – Step by Step Guide

Ainol NOVO 10 Captain, NOVO 10 Hero II , and NOVO 7 Venus are all using the same quad-core APU from Actions Semiconductor. They follow the same firmware upgrade procedure. Thanks Darklore on Tablet Republic for translating the original Ainol guide in Chinese into this detailed instruction . Tip: Take note[...]

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